What is STEM Education?
What does STEM stand for?
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
What is STEM education?
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – STEM is a term used to group together these subjects.
STEM education is education that teaches across these subjects, blending them together in a way which creates focus on student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
STEM education is mainly based on project-based learning.
With small group projects mainly being problem-based learning, the main teaching approach is to guide students through cooperation and practice to complete the project.
STEM education applies science, technology, engineering and math’s content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design.
The subjects of STEM work together in education.
The science supports people to understand the laws of the world.
The technology and engineering bring the ideas into reality to support people to transform the world, to save the world.
The mathematics provides the structure, the base that the science, technology and engineering build upon and helps structural analysis to develop and apply the science, technology and engineering.
Why we need to teach STEM?
The world is changing at a more rapid pace than ever before.

Those leaving school now no longer have the skills the modern world requires.
There are global skill shortages in all the STEM related fields and this is creating a redefining and refocusing of what educational priorities need to be.
The future work force does not need memorized facts anymore, they have google.
What the future workforce needs are problem solvers, thinkers, innovators and creators.
STEM learning is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to be able to work together to solve the worlds problems and develop innovative inventions, ideas and technology, to engineer the best future forward for everyone.