Does your school need help with STEM resources?
ScienceKiwis works hard to help provide the resources our schools lack.
We work in a variety of ways to do this.
If your school needs help email our office with details about your school and our team will be in touch
How we help schools:
We know each school is different so our ScienceKiwis
team work with schools to create individualized STEM school plans of how we can help.
Free STEM Kits for Schools
Our supporters JASON society and JASON House of Learning provide 500 free kits a month that we distribute to schools that need help. (usually lots of 50 or 100 per school, that way there are multiple winners each month)
Free School STEM Assessments
Our local ScienceKiwis teams work with local schools to asses their current STEM resources, knowledge and equipment so together we can work out exactly what the school needs.
After the in-depth assessment we then collaborate with the schools to create a STEM future plan and work with them each step of the way of creating the most awesome STEM school.
Free STEM libraries
We provide our online STEM libraries for experiments, recipes and lessons free to give teachers loads of great ideas for classroom learning.
Teacher Demonstration Days
We provide free teacher training and demonstration days.
ScienceKiwis have created a series of workshops and demonstration days that are packed full of the most interesting, surprising, jaw dropping, eye poping (Eye Popping is actually one of the experiments…) funny, fun and surprising STEM experiments and activities that are specially crafted, specifically designed for teachers and educators.
Our workshops and demonstration days can be tailored to suit to the times, days, length of time available to the number of people; along with any other variable that your organization may have, after-all we are scientists at heart, variables are what we do.
ScienceKiwis workshops / demonstration days cater for small groups of as little 3 – 5 people through to as many as 100 and every number in-between.
Free huge school sized STEM kits
We provide support to schools via their local ScienceKiwis team who have expert industry knowledge to help them find local funding for their STEM education in their school.
Organizing, creating and providing a STEM/STEAM school kit for your school so that there is class sets of kits as well as kits across a variety of subjects making it easy for teachers to easily include into lessons.
We can help organize potential funding for your school to cover the costs of consumables in kits (Mainly things like balloons, sugar, salt, vinegar)
We usually do this via a few different options depending on the school and what is needed, we do have corporate sponsors we can reach out to (this is usually our preferred option); there is also various grants that specifically cover things like these costs for schools that we help schools through the application process.
Ihaveaquestion Service
We also have the ihaveaquestion service, its a way for kids to ask any science questions the have and get an answer from a real scientist. is the email address they can send there questions to.
Real life Scientists in class
We help partner industry with the future industry – the kids.
We have a network of scientists that we work with and love to come in and perform real science.
STEM competitions
We provide support for schools to run STEM school competitions such as Science Fairs, STEM challenges and Robot Matches from organization of events, to judges for the competitions to prizes for the winners.
Recycle Drives
We provide support for schools to run recycle drives, this can be a great way for schools to gain a lot of the items needed in a STEM school kit as well as a brilliant way to teach kids about recycling.
We provide support through the whole process from organizing to prizes for the top recyclers
New Ideas?
We are always looking for new ideas and ways that we can help schools.
If you have any thoughts or ideas please let us know email